A Menu, Please

I used to consider myself a chronic procrastinator, always pushing things to the last minute. I could pull off good work under pressure, but it didn't feel good.

During this, my mind would mercilessly taunt me:

  • Betty, you're so lazy! You could've started this days ago.

  • Feeling tired and cranky? Tough luck, you did this to yourself.

  • Will you ever learn? Maybe you're just not cut out for this.

No one else said these things to me, but they felt like the harsh truths I had to accept. So, I tried every strategy in the book and took advice from well-intentioned people. I made plans, schedules, and tried time-management techniques like Pomodoro. The results were inconsistent.

Sometimes, I ended up spending more time preparing to work than doing the work.

So, I ditched the traditional productivity tactics. Instead, I used how I eat to inform how I work.

Whenever I’m indecisive about food cravings, I would opt for multiple dishes. Following this pattern, I would put down the rigid schedules, take an hour to reflect on what activities move me forward, and created a smorgasbord of activities for myself.

After all, who doesn't love a tasting menu? 😋

Eventually, I realized a few fundamental truths:

  • I need variety like we all need fresh air.

  • I need the agency to decide how to spend my time.

  • I need the freedom to switch gears.

  • I need to follow my joy, not stifle it with relentless pushing.

  • I'm not weird or defective for needing these things.

It felt great!

With some practice, I realized nothing I did was wasted:

  • If I dabble in a subject briefly and switch gears, that knowledge stays with me forever because of my presence.

  • I'm 3-4x more efficient when I'm genuinely interested in a task. Enjoying what I do makes the less enjoyable tasks more manageable.

  • My ability to navigate complex concepts and scenarios has improved because I've honed my ability for “tangent” thinking.

Having a menu made it easier to regain momentum when I was feeling lost, distracted, or just needed to slow down.

So, if you find that procrastination is in your way…


What would progress look like if there is no right choice, order, or speed to get things done?

If you need a gentle space to explore this question, make progress with scheduling a Discovery Call.

Let’s explore how showing up more as yourself can reshape your life. 


What is Authenticity Coaching?


Will It Fit?