A Menu, Please
I used to consider myself a chronic procrastinator, until I ditched everything I knew. Instead, I used how I eat to inform how I work.
Will It Fit?
Being good at tetris can be a life trap. We spend so much time planning that we forget to take real action and acknowledge that we're humans – we live, we change.
What You Like About Me
Without genuinely embracing our qualities, other people's views might become our reality – whether we like it or not.
Monday vibes made me lose sight of the essentials. Before the hustle takes you over, take a minute and check your personal compass.
The Criticism We Keep
I’m going to share a story that’s been on my heart for a long while. During the most senior position of my career, I was put on a performance improvement plan (PIP). The term was unfamiliar to me but the message was clear – “you are not good enough.” It stung to receive this after years of stellar reviews.
Will You Marry Me?
I can barely believe it: it has been five years since I proposed to my partner. It is still uncommon for a woman to pop the question to a man. To this day, choosing to be the one to ask remains one of my proudest moments.
Naturally Me
With Lunar New Year still upon us, I found myself revisiting a tradition my mother started: obsessing over our annual horoscopes. When I focused my attention away from the predictions and started to notice how I reacted, it became an introductory tool to my story.
Year of Satisfaction
Satisfaction is a different kind of metric – one that is fluid and based on intuition rather than quantitative ROI. Here's what it can look like.
Bye, Felicia!
Like most of you, December is when I take stock and get inspired for the coming year. This time, I want to do a remix: Gregorian timing with a Lunar New Year practice.
A Salary of Time
I’ve been reflecting a lot on what I’ve created this year. Turns out 2022 may be my wealthiest year yet.
No Pain, No Gain
Boxing has been a big part of my life but it wasn’t where I learned a deeply held belief that I use to live by: NO PAIN, NO GAIN.
I Have Arrived
I have a tendency to notice everything except the things right in front of me.
Consider Yourself
Let me tell you about a time when I met the less kind side of being considerate. It left me tired, and at times, resentful.
Let the World See You
Do you see the brilliance, strength, and wisdom that you contain? Sometimes it helps to have someone else reflect it back to you.
Connect Over Fear
These are scary times and that tends to bring out our deepest fears. Sometimes two people with the same fear may appear completely different because of the strategies they choose to deal with that fear.
Speak Your Truth
From classrooms to meetings, my experience of answering a question with “I don’t know” meant I no longer got to speak. And I’m left with a sensation that I was wrong for not knowing.
Freedom in Messy
Growing up, I’ve learned that looking calm, cool, collected gets you far. The result: I gained a superpower that caged me in.
Feed Me
I want a healthy relationship with food and water just like everyone else. One could say I’m motivated to eat well. Except, motivation is an elusive thing.
Keep the Windows Open
Sometimes a problem can be rewarding — especially if you get to fix it. Then the next one, and the next. It's like an addiction.