Year of Satisfaction

Being in January has jolted my body into a memory of:

Trying to commit to all the habits because of resolutions.
Projects from the previous year, each needing new solutions.
Hanging on to the idea of inbox zero, the biggest of all delusions.

I remember always running full speed into the new year, and I would do this so intensely that by the end of the first week, I was exhausted. All that rest and recharge in December? Gone.

So I’m trying something new and scary — to venture into this year without a definitive plan. Sure, I reflected on what worked or didn’t work in past years and drafted a few ideas. The difference is that I’m not locking myself into any outcomes so I can leave room for healthy change.

Besides, isn’t a resolution just a thought I had one day out of the year? Why do we give more weight to goals set in January than any other month?

Instead, my intention is to follow my satisfaction. It’s a different kind of metric, one that is fluid and based on intuition rather than quantitative ROI.

Here's what it can look like:

  • Leaving a conversation feeling more energized than I started

  • My eyes widen and my focus peaks, without convincing or effort

  • Ease in sharing my interests and ideas when others ask me, “how are you doing?”

  • Feeling good about stepping away when I get stuck by trusting that the important things will resurface

  • More moments of leaning back and admiring my creations or how far I’ve come

  • Going to bed feeling like I’m ready for sleep because I’ve done all I can

I won't lie. Doing this feels like it goes against decades of lessons I fostered as an Asian daughter and project manager. So I'm sharing this with you to keep me accountable. Ask me how it's going sometime!


How are you measuring your resolution or new year goals?

Follow my adventure to authenticity here:


Naturally Me: A Lunar New Year Reflection


Bye, Felicia!