Feed Me
I want a healthy relationship with food and water just like everyone else.
Do I like to make good choices? Yes.
Do I want a solid foundation for when I’m older? Absolutely.
Based on this, you would imagine that I’m sufficiently motivated to eat well. Except that motivation is an elusive thing. Despite my desire to live a fit and fulfilling life, I struggle to make consistent good decisions when it comes to nourishment. That’s because years of working long hours have instilled in me the habit of forgetting to eat. And then there’s the lifetime practice of feeling bad whenever I do something “wrong.” I just can’t seem to win!
Then a coach asked me: “what comes more naturally to you?”
Caring for my plants. 🪴
I often remember to water my plants before I remember to drink water myself. I will remember to change the soil before I remember to make a meal plan. This gave me an idea to try something new: to feed myself like I would a plant.
I can put in good stuff into my body like regular water, nutritional boosts, and adequate sunlight to grow strong and beautiful.
This shift also served as a gentle reminder to practice self-compassion.
“My plants don’t shrivel up or make me feel awful when I forget to water them.”
I simply see what is missing and make a new choice in the moment.
What comes naturally to you?
How can those skills relate to where you feel stuck?
Not sure where to start? Let’s figure it out together.