Keep the Windows Open

I've been running between jury duty, banking drama, moving furniture, and my mom's medical treatments.

I could feel myself get drawn into the thrill of a rollercoaster ride because sometimes a problem can be rewarding — especially if you get to fix it. Then the next one, and the next. It's like an addiction.

This took front seat over my original plan to slow down this month. It has been eight years since I true experienced alone time. I had full intentions to give myself the space to get curious, notice, and integrate the parts that make me whole.

Ultimately, I found my way to this alone time but I was hardly alone. My die-hard habit of being a fixer came with me.

Here I was trying to hunt down problems within myself so I could “be better.” Turns out the more I looked, the less I found.

Sometimes the best thing for a fixer to do is to sit back and let the solutions come. The only thing to “do” is to keep the windows open and enjoy the breeze.

Simple, but not easy.


What if there is nothing to fix?

Let’s figure it out together.


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